Exodus 8 (adapted)

The N Testament
26th June 1997

There are no words on this page. Glastonbury 1997, I was working the medical/police gate 12-6am in pouring, icy rain. It was a busy night; but towards dawn, things quiet down for a few hours. We were trying (unsuccessfully) to keep warm by singing showtunes. The police patrol landrover came by around 5am, when we were counting minutes, and starving hungry. They mocked us for a bit then asked if they could do anything for us. We asked for cheese and pickle sandwiches. They laughed and drove off... and came back again, five minutes later, with cheese and pickle sandwiches. It was a religious moment.

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• Felt tips, marker pens, fine liners drawn directly onto the pages of a good news bible.
• Photographed with a Digital Mavica at great speed under less-than-ideal conditions.